Where are we from?

Plato: We are made from quatum elements of distant star of distant star. Tesla: We are all made by Photon These 2 great persons: phylosopist and scientist said the same things we human being and all other animals ,all substances are all made by light quata

light quata ; nikola tesla; who am I ?

Plato: We are made from quatum elements of distant star of distant star.

Tesla: We are all made by Photon

These 2 great persons: phylosopist and scientist said the same things we human being and all other animals ,all substances are all made by light quata ,the only

difference for us is the difference of the types and level of energy .

Everything is made of Energy is said by Einstein (Figure 1)

Everything is made of Energy is said by Einstein . Any physical object possesses a natural frequency of vibration.And thus, these kinds of vibrations create this

wonderful world.Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², demonstrates the fundamental equivalence of energy and mass. Everything in the universe, from the smallest particle to the largest star, is ultimately composed of energy. This energy is constantly in motion, vibrating at various frequencies.

Each object, whether it's a rock, a tree, or a human being, possesses a unique natural frequency at which it vibrates. This frequency is determined by the object's composition, structure, and energy state. When an object is exposed to vibrations that match its natural frequency, a phenomenon called resonance occurs. This can lead to a significant increase in the amplitude of the vibrations, causing the object to oscillate more intensely.

Think of a wine glass shattering when a singer hits a high note. That's resonance in action! The sound waves from the singer's voice match the natural frequency of the glass, causing it to vibrate so strongly that it breaks.

These vibrations and their interactions create the symphony of existence. The colors we see, the sounds we hear, the textures we feel – all are manifestations of energy vibrating at different frequencies. The intricate dance of these vibrations gives rise to the complexity and beauty of the world around us.

The luminescence of vibrating objects is revealed only to those who possess spiritual vision.

The transformation of Enery in the Universe (Figure 2)

According to the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, everything in the universe is composed of these two opposing yet complementary forces. The I Ching (Book of Changes), specifically Chapter 12 of the Xici Zhuan (Appended Remarks), states: "Therefore, the Yi has the Taiji (Supreme Ultimate), which gives birth to the Two Forms (Yin and Yang). The Two Forms give birth to the Four Symbols, the Four Symbols give birth to the Eight Trigrams, the Eight Trigrams determine good fortune and misfortune, and good fortune and misfortune give rise to great undertakings."

Based on Figure 2, we can see that dark matter corresponds to the Taiji. Through polarization, dark matter generates both matter and antimatter, as well as dark energy. When normal matter encounters antimatter and absorbs dark energy, it doesn't annihilate but instead returns to dark matter.

The "ling" (spirit) in the concept of "linghun" (spirit and soul) encompasses spirituality and "qi" as understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine, while the "hun" (soul) is responsible for consciousness and corresponds to "shen" (mind) in TCM. These represent dark matter and dark energy, respectively.

In Taoism, it is believed that humans have three "hun": the main soul ("linghun"), the "sheng hun" (life soul), and the "jue hun" (conscious soul). These can be correlated with the three types of dark matter: hot dark matter, warm dark matter, and cold dark matter. The "sheng hun" is Yin within Yin, while the "jue hun" is Yang within Yin. The two souls combine to form the "yin hun" (Yin soul).

The negative energy and dark energy within dark matter are equivalent to the "sheng hun" and "jue hun," while the positive energy within gives rise to the main soul ("linghun").

Generally, only those who die a natural death can have their "sheng hun" and "jue hun" merge into the "yin hun" to report to the underworld. Those who die unexpectedly and haven't undergone proper rituals cannot reunite their "sheng hun" and "jue hun" to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Yin and Yang within human body (Figure 3)

All things in the universe strive for harmony between Yin and Yang and balance among the Five Elements. The human body is no exception. Different organs and systems are formed by varying degrees of Yin and Yang coordination to regulate the body's daily functions.

Women are Yin in essence and utilize Yang, while men are Yang in essence and utilize Yin. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), women's health is based on blood, which is a Yin substance. Therefore, women, being Yin in essence and utilizing Yang, coupled with menstruation, are prone to Yin and Yang deficiency, especially after menopause. Men's health is based on Qi. If they maintain a regular lifestyle and have no inherent deficiencies, they may only occasionally experience Yang excess or "heatiness."

The Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon), specifically the Suwen (Basic Questions) chapter, states: "When a man reaches the age of 40 (five times eight), his Kidney Qi declines, his hair falls out, and his teeth become loose. When a woman reaches the age of 35 (five times seven), her Yangming meridian declines, her face begins to wrinkle, and her hair begins to fall out."

Therefore, men should focus on health preservation and procreation before the age of 40, and women before 35. However, thanks to advancements in modern medicine, this timeline can be extended somewhat.

I won't delve too deeply into TCM theories in this post, but I'd be happy to discuss them further in the future.

Find the Meaning of Life (1)

Cultivation (Figure 4)

Why do we live in this world? Many people may have reflected on this question, but cannot find the answer.
The aliens from Area 51 in the United States once said during the interview that the universe is actually formed by everyone's collective consciousness.
This proves that the creation of all things is right. A small decision by everyone is enough to create a ripple effect and change the world.
When the night is quiet, do you also ask yourself, is there any meaning in your busy life?

Ahh... life is like a book with ever-turning pages:

  • Ages 0-6:Ignorance is bliss. The world is a playground, and happiness is simple.
  • Ages 6-22: School days filled with a thirst for knowledge, dreams shimmering with possibility.
  • Ages 23-25: Entering society with a burning passion, believing you can change the world.
  • Ages 26-30: Reality hits hard. Doubt, struggle, and resilience become a recurring cycle.
  • Ages 31-35: Passion fades, compromise with reality sets in. Marriage and children mark a new chapter.
  • Ages 36-45: Life revolves around work and family. Daily routines bring a sense of normalcy and fulfillment.
  • Ages 46-55: The body sends its signals – wrinkles, gray hair. The fear of aging creeps in, yet it cannot be stopped.
  • Ages 55-60: Children grow up and embark on the path you once traveled, mirroring your younger self.

This is life – a tapestry woven with laughter and tears, passion and peace. Each stage holds its own unique beauty. Embrace the present, and live a life that is truly yours.

In fact, when a person comes to this world, he shines his own light,

cultivates himself, and escapes from this illusory world of material desires.

This is life!